M. Mastering the art of learning


What profoundness to suggest I am mastering something. At what level is 'masters' level and how does one evaluate this level? What is the point of measure when becoming a 'master' of something? How do we compare one master against another? Is a master like "Master Yoda" in Star Wars? What was George Lucas referring to when he created the Jedis? 

I am currently reading a book called "Psychology for inclusive education" edited by Hicks, Kershner & Farrell (2009). Chapter one by Gary Thomas discusses the epistemology for inclusion and references the great work of Skinner and a statement he made in 1972 that still resonate with teachers of today:

"What, after all, have we to show for nonscientific or prescientific good judgement, or common sense, or the insight gained through personal experience? Is it science or nothing?"

More to come on this point...


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