Z. Z is waking up my sleepy memory cells on something that happened a long time ago.


Back in 2003, I had a job as a senior designer at Snap Printing, Hornsby. At the time, this print shop was one of the biggest little instant printing facilities in the northern suburbs, with a staff of more than twenty and a comfortable turnover of $16,000,000 per year. It was a lucrative enterprise owned by Mr Geoff Davies and his business partner, Mr Miller. My task was to manage new business clients and develop new business opportunities for them through graphic design and creative services offered via the design studio, with a view of providing associated print services once I found creative solutions to their marketing. 

In the design studio, I worked with Oliver, Sandii, and Chris. Anthony was the studio manager. Anthony was a great people person and was an expert in communicating with clients to facilitate and enable the business offerings we made. One element Anthony incorporated into our business model was to provide work-experience to students whose parents had a connection with Snap Printing and the owner of the organisation. It became my responsibility to create meaningful challenges and prepare work for students to do, considering I was at the time also working nights as a TAFE teacher. What I remember from this experience was how important work-experience was to high school students who attended the program and how valuable their time with us was to the parents. One satisfied client sent us a thank-you letter as shown below:


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